Community West Church launched on April 20, 2014, as a church plant of Third Church. A small pioneering group of us went out, believing we were being led to be part of something new God was doing.
We have grown mostly through the power of the invitation, as our people have shared their excitement about our church and our journey with people they know.
We hope to pierce the isolation of the suburbs, making it safe for people to drop their masks and find real connection with a few other people and God. We hope to help many more people find purpose and life in Jesus Christ. We hope to serve local needs and restore the church’s trusted place in the community.
Our Vision
To see the people and places of West Richmond and beyond transformed by the love of God through Christ Jesus.
Our Mission Statement
Making Disciples Sent in Love
Our Practices
CELEBRATE - Commit to our weekly Sunday Gathering.
Our Sunday service is a time for us to be reminded of God’s love and forgiveness, and to respond with our worship, obedience, and trust. We intend our service to be uplifting, honest, participatory, multi-sensory, biblically-based, and gospel-centered.CONNECT - Commit to a Home Group.
Smaller groups are where the best of life happens at Community West. All small groups are built on three pillars: growing in God’s word, developing authentic friendships, and serving and getting involved in outreach.CONTRIBUTE - Join a Sunday team and give financially.
None of us begins to belong to a community until we have a chance to share what we have to give. We invite you to share your time, by serving on a Sunday team, and your gifts by giving financially to the mission of the church.
Our Values
What unites us is new life in Christ, and we are committed to strengthening those bonds of friendship together.
House and Home
We are committed not only to worship and equipping in our church building, but ministry and mission in our homes.
The Ministry of the Volunteers
Every Christian is empowered by the Spirit for ministry, and we are committed to unleashing everyone’s gifts in the mission of the church.
The church is a missionary movement, and we are committed to those who are not yet a part of the church or have not been for quite some time.
Simple Church
We are committed to a model for church that does not proliferate programs but chooses to do a few things well, to fulfill our call as a church.
Community West Church is a member of the Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians (ECO).
With Christians everywhere, we believe in and worship the one true God revealed in Scripture – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – who is both one essence and three persons.
Jesus Christ is both truly God and truly human, the eternal and creative Word. His perfect obedience in life and in death accomplished our redemption by perfectly satisfying God’s law.
The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of God, convicts us of our rebellion against God and to salvation offered through the Son. The Spirit also ministers gifts so that the Church is edified and Jesus glorified.
We glorify God by recognizing and receiving His revelation of Himself, both in the infallible writings of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and in the revelation of his Son Jesus.
We believe in two sacraments, baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
We believe the great purpose toward which every human life is drawn is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.
All humanity is born into sin and are lost apart from the redemptive work of God. Through the work of Jesus on the cross, all of us can receive forgiveness of sin, and the gift of eternal life.
We believe in the imminent return of Jesus who will bring heaven and earth entirely under His reign. Therefore, we believe we are presently living in between the first and second coming of Jesus.
The journey to Community West owning and stewarding the 19 acres of land at 2340 Pump Road is filled with miraculous moments of God’s provision and leading. The story is truly a God story.
Meet our staff
Mary Harrison
Director of Discipleship Pathways & Pastoral Intern
Morgan Blackwell
Interim Director of
Student Ministry
Cindy redfern
Director of Children’s Ministry
Kerri Swaim
Financial Office Manager
Jenny Tootell
Associate Director of
Children’s Ministry
Peg Webb
Interim Music Director
Jolyn Nason
Executive Assistant
Cherie Miller
Administrative Assistant
rev. Dr. Nelson Ould
Lead Pastor
OUR officers
Class of 2025
Sharon Hord
Quintin Tedeschi
Class of 2026
Kathleen Essex
Ann Good
Bernie Mann
Class of 2027
Tom Barila
Andre Coetzee
Nic Von Bank
Class of 2025
Marielle Abbott
Class of 2026
Scott Basil
Wendy Jenvey
Class of 2027
Connie Beard
Jill Steele
Class of 2025
Fred Whitten
Class of 2026
Tom Harrison
Brian VanHuss
Class of 2027
Clint Curtis
Jeff Martin
No positions currently open at this time.