Nolan Coetzee
As a student myself, I know how important it is to have an inviting teacher who wants to grow alongside the student. Currently, I am completing my studies at VCU and will receive a Diploma in Business Management and Entrepreneurship. I also play Varsity Soccer at VCU and love playing every day. I can’t remember the last day I went without touching a soccer ball.
I grew up in the Richmond area with two older brothers and one younger sister. My parents are originally from South Africa, and after many trial locations in the United States, they ended up locating in Richmond. Personally, I love the people around this area and the sense of community that there is in Richmond. While my oldest brother has moved to Florida and the other to Japan, my sister and I have continued our lives around this area.
I grew up through Community West Church and have met some amazing people throughout my years here. I was offered a wonderful opportunity to give back to the church, through a Student Ministry Intern Position. As someone who wants to learn and grow through Jesus Christ, I know helping other students accomplish similar goals will build the both of us.